When you pass our exams, your digital certificates and badges are issued through Credly.
Within seven working days of passing your IQN exam, you will receive a system-generated email from Credly (admin@credly.com). If you cannot find the email in your inbox, please check your spam or junk folder. The email will prompt you to accept your IQN badge. Click on 'Accept your badge' to be directed to the Credly website, where you will need to create an account.
On the Credly webpage, click on the 'Create an account' button.
Here, you need to provide your names, country, and password. Select the checkbox to accept the terms of service and privacy policy, then click the 'Create Account' button.
Next, you will be asked to confirm your email. Check your inbox for an email containing the 'Confirm My Email' button and click on it.
Now that you have confirmed your email, you will be prompted to sign in to your Credly account. Simply enter your email and password to sign in.
Once you sign in to your Credly account, you can claim your badge. Click the 'Accept Badge' button at the top right, then you will be prompted to save the badge settings.
Now that your badge has been issued, you can share your achievement with others. Click the 'Share' button from your dashboard to access the 'Share your badge' page.
From this page, you can download your IQN certificate. If you wish, you can also take printouts of your digital certificate. Additionally, you can embed your IQN credential in your email signature and share your digital badge on social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.
Your IQN digital certificate features a unique URL that leads to a verification page. Click the 'Verify Badge' button at the top right to authenticate your achievement. If you share your digital certificate with someone, they can also verify it by clicking the unique URL within the certificate.
IQN is a registered trade mark of IQN (Labuan) LLP (UK TM Registration No. UK00003000727). IQN (Labuan) LLP is registered in Malaysia under Labuan LLP Act 2010.
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