IQN extends invitations to education providers worldwide who are interested in offering exam preparation classes for their students. Approved partners are expected to provide high-quality exam preparation classes that empower students to succeed in their diploma or certification exams.
To become an IQN Exam Preparation Partner, your organisation must have qualified and experienced trainers capable of delivering top-notch exam preparation classes. Additionally, you must possess the necessary infrastructure to facilitate these classes effectively.
As part of our partner approval process, we require CVs of your organisation's trainers. Whether full-time, part-time, or contractual staff, all trainers must possess relevant qualifications and experience to conduct their respective exam preparation classes.
As an exam preparation partner, you would typically be responsible for providing students with the necessary study resources, such as designated textbooks or coursebooks, as well as access to practice questions and sample exam papers.
IQN would collaborate closely with your center to ensure that your team has a comprehensive understanding of the required study materials to effectively prepare students for success in their exams.
This collaboration helps ensure that students receive the support and resources they need to excel in their studies and achieve their certification or diploma goals.
To become an IQN exam preparation partner, your organisation must complete our approval process. Simply fill out the online form to initiate the process. After reviewing your submission, we will reach out to discuss the next steps.
There are no fees required to become an exam preparation partner!
IQN is a registered trade mark of IQN (Labuan) LLP (UK TM Registration No. UK00003000727). IQN (Labuan) LLP is registered in Malaysia under Labuan LLP Act 2010.
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