IQN provides procedures that enable students to submit complaints and appeals against any aspect of its services. This policy document is only applicable for IQN Registered Students.
An IQN Registered Student is an individual who has paid for at least one IQN examination.
IQN will deal with all individuals with respect and courtesy and in a spirit of mutual trust and understanding, and will respond attentively to all complaints and appeals. This policy will be monitored and periodically reviewed in order to ensure that it remains fit for its purpose. IQN will engage in complaints procedures in a way that is consistent, thorough, and fair to all individuals involved in the complaints process. Wherever applicable, IQN will ensure that the decision-making personnel engaged in the complaint handling process are different from those against whom a complaint may have been submitted. The submission of a complaint or appeal will not be discriminated against the student at any stage of the investigation and/ process.
There are a number of possible situations where appeals or complaints may arise and that may involve a decision or investigation by IQN. Complaints/Appeals may relate to assessment result of a qualification or about aspects of conduct matters of any staff of IQN. A complaint can be made where a student believes that IQN has failed to provide its services. A complaint/ an appeal can also be related to insufficiency of quality of IQN services (including exam results).
The student can submit an online complaint form available on IQN website ( Information provided in the online complaint form must be correct and consistent with the relevant records previously provided to IQN. The complaint will only progress to Stage 2 if it has been submitted by an IQN registered student.
Upon receipt of the complaint, IQN will respond to the student by email within ten (10) working days. The email will include a unique Complaint Reference Number (CRN). The complaint will be passed on to the relevant team and/or the most appropriate IQN staff member. If possible, the complaint will be dealt with and/or resolved by the relevant IQN staff member. Wherever required, IQN staff member will provide an outline of the way in which the complaint has been handled and set out in a clear way the steps that have been taken to resolve the complaint, providing details and context as appropriate. Majority of IQN qualifications are assessed through computer-based MCQ exam. Hence, exam scores are results of objective evaluation. In all likelihood, an appeal against results/ marks will result no further review. However, IQN reserves the right to review the computer-based testing platform to investigate whether there were any technical glitches in exam mark/ score calculation. However, such review is not an automatic right for all IQN students.
If the student is still unhappy with the outcome of Stage 2, s/he will be required to post his/her complaint to IQN Global Office, marking the envelope for the attention of the CEO. This written complaint must include the Complaint Reference Number (CRN) and all details provided and received by the student during Stage 1 and Stage 2. Appeals/ complaints received through post will not be processed if the application has not gone through both Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the procedure. The CEO will conduct an investigation and if required, form an adhoc committee depending on the nature of complaint/ appeal. The findings at Stage 3 may or may not lead to further action being taken. At the conclusion of the investigation at Stage 3, outcomes will be communicated to the student directly through email. Following any investigation into a complaint/ appeal at Stage 3 and the execution of any required remedials, no further action will be taken, and the Complaint Reference Number (CRN) will be marked as closed.
IQN is a registered trade mark of IQN (Labuan) LLP (UK TM Registration No. UK00003000727). IQN (Labuan) LLP is registered in Malaysia under Labuan LLP Act 2010.
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